Beyond Right and Wrong
It’s right. It’s wrong.
It’s neither.
It’s just an option. It’s just one way of doing things. It simply one way to approach something.
Take it and/or leave it.
It may be what I’ve done, and it may be what I’m doing, and it may be working for me, but it is still only one way of doing things.
Nothing more.
Take it and/or leave it. Be interested and/or think it’s bunk.
In the end, it’s simply what works for me, for now.
Nothing more.
The approach I am choosing is no more right or wrong than any other approach.
Take it and/or leave it.
Maybe my approach will work for you. Maybe it won’t. I can’t say for sure.
You know what’s best for you.
Take it and/or leave it. Be interested and/or think it’s bunk.
I am here, sharing my perspective on my experiences. And you are there, deciding what to do with them. You decide how much truth my perspective holds for you. You decide how much you’re learning.
It’s not about right or wrong. There’s no place for that here. In this space, it’s about possibility.
What’s possible for you?
photo credit: Dan Foy