Business from the inside out

My Journey | What’s On My Mind Articles

Asking My Mentor About… Nourishing My Body

Exploring Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

This is the fifth installment of Christine and my Peer-to-Peer Mentoring series. On her blog, I answered her question:

Currently I keep an updated CV on file. While I’m proud of my profile and professional history, I’d like to put together a jazzed up version. I’m thinking of doing a website resume- what are your thoughts on the effectiveness of this plan and how would you proceed creatively?

My Question to My Mentor:

“While I love how focused I am on my work, I often find that my focus is so focused that I forget to eat. I am healthy and well-nourished despite this tendency but I would like to change it. I think it’s important that even when I am “in the flow”, I am still mindful of my bodily needs. Do you have any thoughts on how I can improve this situation and become better at checking-in with my body?”

What Was/What Is/Looking Forward


As the new year unfolds before me, I’ve spent time reflecting on the year that passed, and how I will grow in 2012.

What was in 2011…

What were some of your favourite moments?

  • Looking out over the lights of downtown Toronto from 50 stories up while a snow storm blew outside
  • Meeting Jack for the first time
  • Taking Jack to the park for the first time
  • Signing my first car lease
  • Landing on Big Island

What challenged you?

  • My self-confidence
  • Being a true partner to my husband
  • Not caretaking
  • My performance anxiety
  • Being a loving and supportive parent to myself

Joyeuses fêtes à tous!

JoyfulSeasonHolidayLoveThank you for your love and support this year!

all my love,