As this new chapter, a new year, begins I'm considering the story I am writing, and whether the character I'm...

As this new chapter, a new year, begins I'm considering the story I am writing, and whether the character I'm...
To my cherished reader, Thank you for being you. You are such a gift. I am so very grateful for your love and support....
A list of things that I am learning to not feel wrong about... as they are my right, as an individual: My right to...
I watched the video of my first speech on innerpreneurs only once. It's all I could bear. All I heard were the umms......
The Scene: A small auditorium of 100 business men and women in a business park outside Lisbon. Most are Portuguese...
My hometown, Toronto -- that's the CN Tower, the now second tallest free-standing structure in the world.
I made a mistake. I got ahead of myself. I temporarily forgot my purpose. I got caught up in someone else's ideas and...
I should have told you before I left. I just got back from speaking at an entrepreneurship conference in Lisbon held...
I got the idea from Dave Pollard author of the blog, How to Save the World. He got the idea from Beth Adams. Basically...
I had one of those days yesterday. One of those days where the sadness of the world seems to be weighing down on me. I...
As you may or may not have noticed for the past few days my blog has been offline. There was a problem with my host's...
I've always wanted to work myself. It was my dream. It strikes me now how quickly dreams become reality and how...