Business from the inside out

My Journey | What’s On My Mind Articles

It’s Not You, It’s Me

Push Here

I behave and you think it’s because of you.

You take my choices personally.

It’s not about you

My choices have nothing to do with you.

Even when they are in reaction to you.

How I behave is about me.

It’s my stuff

It’s about me. Despite what I might say.

Even when I tell you you’re not good enough.

Asking My Mentor About… Client Endorsements

Exploring Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

This is the fourth installment of Christine and my monthly Peer-to-Peer Mentoring series. On her blog, I answered her question:

Social optimization is at the heart of all my business endeavors. For this reason, any pitch I offer to a potential client is always authentic – I aim to reveal how working together will mutually accentuate their product, service and relationships with their potential customers and clients. Unlike many businesses that wait for clients to come to them, I approach clients to help them see the need for my specialized services.

What creative design ideas or tips can you suggest that will help make my pitch strategy more fun and multi-dimensional?

My Question to My Mentor:

“I’ve never collected testimonials and I’m examining why? that is. Can you tell me how you received the testimonials you have collected, and how it felt to get them?”

Christine’s Answer:

Beginning to collect testimonials was a purely organic experience. A business development client of mine bestowed a very complimentary, but objective email upon me after we achieved a few really cool milestones within his business. At the end of the email he said, “hint, hint, hint… hope this will serve as the start to your new testimonial section on your website.” Of course, this felt amazing because I had not yet asked for my clients or patients to acknowledge their experiences of working with me. I was flattered and inspired to ask clients and patients to reflect after receiving this first one though!

I have always thought the word testimonial sounds cheesy. Most of the ones I would read on websites seemed quite contrived and lacking in objective feedback. I can clearly see the purpose they are meant to serve, but was never thrilled with the ones I came across. This definitely deterred me from including a testimonial section on my site.

I decided to take some of my own advice-if you don’t like it, fix it, re-frame it, make it more fun, create something more fitting or tangible for your own personal niche or personality. At the same time I decided I would create a space for feedback, I began jotting down different ideas of a fun title that would catch people’s eyes and get them to click away on the website. I came up with “Patient Raves” and “Client Raves” to avoid using that cheesy sounding word, testimonial.

Asking My Mentor About… Making Time

Exploring Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

This is the fourth installment of Christine and my monthly Peer-to-Peer Mentoring series. On her blog, I answered her question:

What methods do you have in place or have made use of that allow you to obtain objective feedback on your web-design to be sure you’re reaching your target markets? Do you have anybody who specifically markets in your field or perhaps an un-biased colleague who helps ‘test’ your site to be sure that they would ‘buy’? Please share how you research and refine this topic in your work.

My Question to My Mentor:

“You’re a multi-talented lady, and I fancy myself the same. You’re baking a number of very interesting pies at the moment. How do you ensure each pie (i.e., each interest/passion/business/avenue of expression) gets adequate attention? How do you make the time for everything you do and still do your best? I am in a constant struggle with making more time for my writing… and, less imperatively, my cross-stitching, and I want to learn from your ability to manage multiple interests.”

Christine’s Answer:

Creating Yourself

Great question, one I’m constantly re-visiting in my own work! But wait, you didn’t get an intern yet so you can go out joy-riding? Just kidding…

Entrepreneurship is about transformation, flexibility and openness to try new things. Multi-talented business persons are great at creating activities and projects, but sometimes develop a tendency to become over-committed. Despite this, as talented as you are at creating projects, so are you smart enough to create time for your cross-stitching my multi-talented friend!

Beyond All the Negativity or Love For My Video!

Business Growth Summit

I’ve learned something about myself. I have performance anxiety.

It cripples me. It makes me freeze.

When it envelopes me, it blocks me from seeing the whole. It’s hard to see out of it. All I can see is through it.

I’ve had it since childhood, but before now, I hadn’t seen it for what it was. Even thought she’s been right beside me for so long.

Here She Goes Again

My negativity, the voice in my head, she is ANXIETY. FEAR. JUDGEMENT. over what I am. Before I thought she was helpful, saving me from my own embarrassment. But now I see that she acts better than me, in attempt to keep me down. She needs to feel better than all the shit I create.