Business from the inside out

My Journey | What’s On My Mind Articles

Fresh Words, Fresh Space

Pay What It’s Worth: You Don’t Need to Set a Price on Value is on the cusp of being published by Integral Publishers, and I’m happy to be blowing the dust off my keyboard and getting back into things.

… And I’m Back!

I feel as though I’ve grown beyond Rise of the Innerpreneur in this past year and half and I’m ready to put a fresh voice on this space. To renew what feels lifeless. I’ve decided to use this space now to reflect on who I was then. I’m going to revisit my old posts in...

A New Adventure Awaits…

Next Saturday, I am due to give birth to my daughter, who is the first child of Daniel and I. While I do not know what is in store for us, but I trust and I can feel this is the greatest adventure we have ever undertaken. This moment, right now, feels like the space...


I see now this space, this blog, was originally created by me as a place where I could feel free to express myself, perhaps for the first time since I was a young child. A space that is sacred to me, it has brought me much joy as my life has unfolded and transformed...