In whatever shape it may take, whenever I hear a story, I find myself wondering how it is serving the person who is...
Self/Business Growth Articles
The Motion of Emotion
My emotions are not me. They are my energy, in motion. I am not responsible for my emotions—I am responsible for what...
Blinded By The Light
There's a problem with abundance. In living with it—and amongst it—there's a risk I will stop seeing it as a thing of...
defining my market niche
I’m excited to announce that I’ve created another workbook for the Nutshell Series, defining my market niche. This...
Improving Your Game
Like any game, if you don't actively participate in it, you will not be a player. If you can see money as a game, you...
developing My communication strategy
I'm on a roll! After having so much fun creating exploring brand Me for you, I've felt inspired to create a series of...
The Perfection of Imperfection
What if my imperfections were my road map for growth and becoming more perfectly, joyfully me? What if embracing and...
I Don’t Feel Like Playing Anymore
There are a lot of rules to my game. Too many to follow it seems. There are the rules I've learned from others. And...
Don’t Take My Advice
In business and in life. I can’t possibly know what is best for you more than you do. You are your own best adviser....
The Power of Our Wildest Dreams
Perhaps you’re like me and you find yourself yearning for the completion of your dreams. I dream of the day when my...
Idea Hoarding
I used to be afraid of people stealing my ideas. I saw my ideas, the thoughts in my head, as something physical that...
Is It Business or Personal?
What's the difference? How is it not personal? You spend most of your energy and time doing it but yet it's not...