Business from the inside out

Cultural Creativity Articles

An Essential Boundary

Opposites hold an essential boundary for the other. This boundary is a space they both hold in common. When you're standing on it, you can see the spectrum of truth spanning both sides of the opposition. Bridging this shared boundary is a delicate dance that requires...

We Wouldn’t Need So Much Esteem If We Had More Love

Perhaps you've had an experience similar to mine. I grew up believing I could DO anything. I was nurtured by the concept that everything I desired could be mine, if only I was willing to work for it. What I did not understand, amid my action full of DOing, was this...

Does Your Value Have a Limit?

Can you really know your value? Is it a fixed thing? Is it of value to quantify your worth? These questions intrigue my mind. To explore this curiosity, I developed a (business) practice of not setting prices. In this system of pricing, I place no limit on the value...

You’re Going to Make the Difference

You're not going to make the difference for me: I am. I'm not going to make the difference for you: you are. You and I, can not and do not need to save anyone from anything. However ardently you believe that I would be happier and more satisfied following your lead,...