Business from the inside out

Cultural Creativity Articles

Our Inner Critic

A reflection of our disdain for authority in our own life.

The things our critic says are likely things we heard from an authority figure.

Things we did not agree with — but heard anyway.

Things that once were someone else’s ideas about us, that have now become our own.

Saying No


It’s hard to say no sometimes.

Sometimes it feels like I can’t say it.

That it would be wrong to.

In those moments, I am feeling that no is not an option for me.

Living in Creative Tension

photo credit gmacfadyen In Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline, he writes,

The gap between vision and current reality is a source of energy. If there were no gap, there would be no need for any action to move towards the vision. We call this gap creative tension.”

It seems to me that when we allow ourselves to be in the gap between our dreams and our reality — to live in our own creative tension — we find our self most ripe with the solutions we need.

An Invitation to Share Your Wisdom

photo by kelley_leigh

From the moment I learned of the existence of the web, I was immediately drawn to it. I couldn’t have told you why, I just was. I felt I belonged there, and I wasn’t used to feeling that way.

What I realize now is that I was so attracted to the web because is was the first medium that allowed the individual to share their unique perspective with the world.

Shine your light.

For the first time, we, the individual, have the power to touch and connect with people from all over the world. Before, we usually only had the opportunity to shine our light on those in direct proximity to us.

The web has created an opportunity for us to share our story with the people who truly want to hear it.