Business from the inside out

Cultural Creativity Articles

now, Now, NOW!

For the sake of my personal and business health, I must not get caught up in the now, Now, NOW-ness of anyone or anything else. It doesn't need to be NOW. I don't need to hurry. Despite what I hear, and how I (sometimes) feel, there is no race to get to where I'm...

All Opinions Are Not Created Equal

People will always have their opinions. And some of them may be about you, and about your work. An opinion is simply one person's point of view, one person's way of seeing things. It's no stronger or weaker than any another perspective. It's no more true or false....


When I feel I need to perform, my mind jumps to conclusions over and over about how YOU are interpreting and enjoying what I am doing or have done. Over and over I come up with negative judgements about what I have produced, and what YOU have decided. I can't be...

The Whole Truth About Giving Freely

There's always been something about the statement, "give freely, receive freely" that didn't work for me, but I could never quite put my finger on it. The sentiment sounded so lovely, but I knew there was something I was missing. I needed to see beyond the freedom...