I'm excited to announce that I've created something for You! exploring brand Me. It's a fun and probing personal...
Innerpreneurship Articles
Doing Serious Things Badly
THIS IS SERIOUS, my ego screams. She wants my work to be great. For her, it isn't enough to create, it's only worth...
Your Work Is Your Art Form
Do you see yourself as the artist you are? Are you dedicated to creating goods and services that you are proud of and...
A Pricing Approach to Raise Your Consciousness
I’ve decided to try something that might sound a bit crazy. I’m going to let my customers set my prices. My Price is...
Get Paid Your Value, Not Your Price
Money is one of the greatest stories ever told. The epic theme? Money is scarse. Funny how there always seems to be...
Innerpreneuring Thru Economic Chaos
Written by Jay Cowan “As we know our Self, opportunities are no longer limited by the obvious psychological and...
How You Can Be a Good Host to Your Ideas
...so your innerpreneurial dreams can be born. Recognize that you have ideas. Pay attention to the thoughts that enter...
Marketing to Innerpreneurs & Cultural Creatives
What I Mean by "Marketing" The word "marketing" can often be seen as a soulless one and one without any true meaning....
15 Fascinating Facts About Innerpreneurs
Many of us embraced innerpreneurialism after first trying (and disliking) more conventional careers and professions....
Innerpreneuring and the Bigger Movement Afoot
Excitement Over the Creative Class When I learned about innerpreneurship a few months back, I knew there was a bigger...
Simply Entrepreneurs We Are Not
Saying we are entrepreneurs is not giving us enough credit. We are more than that. We are innerpreneurs and we are a...
Your Sustainable Business: Recycled vs. Certified Paper
Making your printing and marketing practices more sustainable or 'green' is an easy way for an innerpreneur to make a...