Business from the inside out

Innerpreneurship Articles

The Forms of -preneurship and Your Personal Brand

If we look at -preneurship as a term used to describe our personal brand, what form of -preneurship best communicates your value? Entre-preneurship: taking charge of your own business Literally, the word means: "begin to take charge" but is often defined as the...

Brilliance at Tedx Asheville: John Miles on ‘Happiness in Business’

[tweetmeme] Don’t miss John’s inspiring perspective on what it means to Innerpreneur.

Follow John Miles or learn about his business

Economics for the Innerpreneur


A perfectly rational world?

Conventional economic theory assumes perfect knowledge – of prices, markets and people. From this knowledge it extracts a “rational economic order” – a pattern to explain how economies work and how economic agents (e.g., buyers and sellers) interact. It is a theory that attempts to explain the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.

Conventional economic (and business) thought focuses on elements from only the physical realm – such as resources, commodities and technologies. It does not extend to the mental or conscious realm.

Conventionally, wealth is seen as nothing more than what we have manifested in the physical realm.

A bigger view of economics

George Shackle was the first economist to challenge that the “algebra of business” is not a deterministic, linear science.

It’s a Tactic, Not a Guarantee


[tweetmeme] Tactic = an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end

Your business name, your tagline, your website, your brochure, your FaceBook fan page, or any other business tool – they are tactics – that you employ to reach a goal.

Tactics don’t make a business successful

No tactic, no matter how clever or cool, will keep a client coming back. The value your business creates will.

You, the person behind the business – you, the person creating and providing the product and/or service – are ultimately what will make your business grow or shrink, and make your clients true fans.

No enduring business I know of can thank their tagline, or their business name, or any of their ever-changing and evolving tactics for their sustained success. They may thank tactics for having helped garner them attention, but they see their sustained success is due to the value their business creates in the world.