Business from the inside out

Innerpreneurship Articles

I Just Don’t Know

Does it make me less professional or less able if I don’t have THE answers?

Is it so bad to “not know”?

I know experts want to be seen as right — but I just want to see everything.

I’m curious.

I want to think beyond the answers spoon fed to me by others.

I want to think beyond their attempts to assert their “knowing.”

More Questions Than Answers

photo credit Macarena C.

I’ve been told those who “know” things are experts, and that they can help me make the right choices. I’ve been taught that when I have a problem, an expert will have my solution. And I’ve been led to believe that, by asserting my own “knowing,” I can create evidence of my own professionalism and abilities – and be an expert too.

To not know and to admit it, to be open and asking questions can feel wrong in the world of expertise. It can feel shameful to “not know”,

exploring brand Me

exploring brand me

I’m excited to announce that I’ve created something for You! exploring brand Me. It’s a fun and probing personal branding exercise supporting you in discovering and communicating the essence of You and Your Brand.

I love using this simple and effective awareness tool with my branding clients, and it occurred to me that it would be valuable as workbook for you to experience. I hope you find the exploration expanding!

made with love,
