Business from the inside out

What’s Your Real Job?

by | Aug 25, 2011 | Self/Business Growth

Real Job

Looking at your résumé, aside from it’s purpose to ‘get you a job’, would you say that it really shows who you are?

Looking at mine (on LinkedIn), I am struck by how I appear in it. It says nothing about how I actually spent, nor spend, my days. It says little about ME, other than where I went to school (can’t you see how smart I am?), where I’ve worked (yes, THEY hired me!) and what titles I was given (don’t I sound impressive?). It’s a very inaccurate picture of how I add value to the world.

When I wrote it, I was hoping to do a good job of selling you on what I appear to be.

Ridding myself of the résumé mindset

I’m going to re-write my résumé and I’m not going to try to create an impressive appearance. Rather this time, I will focus on where (I now see) my true value lies — in knowing and showing who I really am.

For my greatest competitive advantage is that I am figuring out who I am and becoming it. Through painfully honest self-assessment I’m understanding and embracing the skills – or perhaps even one skill – at which I excel. And I think that is far more impressive than any of my job titles.

I’m discovering my real job, my calling. What could be more impressive than my 150% TJ passion and talent coming to fruition?

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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What’s Your Real Job?

By Tara Joyce Time to Read: 1 min