I wonder why I don’t just…
shut up and stop worrying?
I know everything will work out, I know I am on My Path. I can feel it, I can feel Him.
photo credit: rachel_titiriga
Pay What It's Worth: You Don't Need to Set a Price on Value is on the cusp of being published by Integral Publishers, and I'm happy to be blowing the dust off...
I feel as though I’ve grown beyond Rise of the Innerpreneur in this past year and half and I’m ready to put a fresh voice on this space. To renew what feels...
Next Saturday, I am due to give birth to my daughter, who is the first child of Daniel and I. While I do not know what is in store for us, but I trust and I...
I see now this space, this blog, was originally created by me as a place where I could feel free to express myself, perhaps for the first time since I was a...
Dear lovely, You are cherished and adored. Be not afraid of anything in your world and know that you have done so much to heal and whole yourself, to be who...
I can't take ownership of these feelings, these thoughts. These issues are not mine to hold. I am without scars; flawless. Undesirable qualities, I have not....