The Year That Was
Our growth can be so slow that it can often go unnoticed. The beginning of a new year (and a new decade, no less) seems like a good time to reflect on and to celebrate all that we have achieved in the year that has passed.
I’m taking this opportunity to celebrate my successes with you. If you feel so inclined, please use the comments to share and celebrate your success of 2009 with me and the group.
With no further a due, my year in review.
What I Wanted to Do in 2009
If you don’t believe that these were my goals for ’09, check out My Goals for This Year: Growing Innerpreneurship in 2009
- Begin Meditating Regularly
Achieved! I now meditate each morning for 15 min, with some exceptions. It took me well into September before I managed to make this a habit, and I give credit to Jamie Ridler, her awesome book club and the book, The Joy Diet, for getting my ass in gear. - Generate a Sustainable Income from My Business, Elastic Mind
Achieved? Maybe? I’m not really sure what the hell I meant when I set this goal as it seems horribly vague to me now. I can report that by June 2009 (approx. 1 year after Elastic Mind’s birth) I started making more money each month than I was spending. Saying that, I’m still a ways off from 1. paying off the debt I accrued from starting my business and 2. making enough money each month to do anything more than pay my costs. - Complete and Launch My Business Website
Achieved x2! In March of 2009, I launched the other half of this website, covering how I could work with you. The site was much-obsessed-over and many-times-rewritten from my business conception in June 2008 to it’s eventual live launch in March 2009. I was happy with the site for approximately 3 months before I began developing the new one that launched this past November. Two new websites this past year is a testament to the growth I underwent in coming to understand my value and find my sweet spot. It’s also a testament to my craziness… - Enjoy More Hobbies
Achieved! This past year was an important one for me in finding a better balance between my need to engage my mind, my body, my soul and my shadow self. I began practicing yoga at least two times a week, took up oil painting, began tap-dancing, and fed my freaky soul with travel to Nicaragua, France, Spain, Portugal and New York City. - Develop More Daily Structure
Achieved but still a work-in-progress. At the beginning of 2009, I would jump out of bed each morning and run to my computer and sit there all day, often forgetting to move, to wash, or to eat. Yes, I am a dirty girl. By the end of 2009, I managed to clean myself up a bit and include 15 min of meditation each morn, a possible walk in the afternoon and the blocking off of three days each week to stay off my computer and simply write. I’ve still got more work to do in this department as I easily get distracted from this structure I’ve established. - Tame My Inner Critic and Growing My Inner Kudos
Work-in-progress. The vile bitch upstairs seems to be getting bitchier… *sigh*. Anxiety brings out the perfectionist in me and owning a business is fucking scary shit. - Improve and Grow Rise of the Innerpreneur
Achieved but still a work-in-progress. In 2009, I had the pleasure of:
- meeting many of my readers through comments on the blog, email conversations, phone calls, Twitter chats, and Google/Skype video chats.
- being interviewed on Ananda Leeke’s Go Green Sangha radio program.
- speaking in Lisbon on Innerpreneuring in May and connecting with Innerpreneurs at the conference.
- forming a tiny Toronto in-person Innerpreneur support group and connecting with Nathalie Lussier. Our third meeting is this Monday and I am happy to report that our small group is growing.
- guest writing for Intrinsic Online, Holistic Living, The Journal of Cultural Conversation, Examiner.com, and Creatuitive Coaching.
- seeing my writing grow and improve as I’ve become more comfortable using my voice and trusting in my ability to create value through my words.
photo by: Janet Moore-Coll