by Tara Joyce | Jan 20, 2009 | Self/Business Growth

This week’s open tabs:
- on “The One Film All People in or Interested in Green Business Should See”
Having just recently premiered to rave reviews at the Wild & Scenic film festival, discusses the documentary So Right, So Smart and it’s amazing ability to “quickly and compellingly makes the case for why doing business sustainably is not only needed, but can be exceptionally profitable, even in, or perhaps especially during challenging economic times.”
-’s “Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps)”
On how one could live an awesome life today just by following Socrates fundamental advice. I know I learned a bunch just by hearing Socrates wisdom in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Of course, for a long time after, I horribly mispronounced his name. “San Dimas High School football rules!”
-’s collection of truly creative and beautiful business cards
Design inspiration for those looking to create truly original business cards. Just remember when you print those beautiful babies to use FSC certified paper and waterless printing.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 16, 2009 | Self/Business Growth

For the non-bloggers in our tribe. This article is for those of us who have yet to use the web to speak up. As I mentioned earlier, I am traveling to Nicaragua in late January and I am looking for guest writers to contribute to Rise of the Innerpreneur while I am gone. If you have yet to write for the web, I would be honoured if you would take this opportunity to speak up and share your wisdom with your fellow innerpreneurs.
The web is a funny invention. Many cry that it has ruined writing. That all the CU L8R’s and excessive !!!!!! are a travesty to the English language. But I disagree. As the web is the first medium that has allowed the individual to easily share their unique perspective with the world. Before it, we could only shine our light on those in direct proximity to us.
But now we have computers and Internet connections and the ability to interact with people from all over the world. And even better, we have the ability to share our wisdom with people who are seeking to benefit from it.
No one is forced to read what you publish. If someone is reading your thoughts it is because they actively chose to do so.
But for a lot of us, before we can begin to share, we first need to tame our inner critic. We need to see that speaking up and putting oneself out there for the world to love, hate or ignore, while not easy, is incredibly fulfilling.
The Inner Critic Drone
Why would anyone care to read what I think?
Maybe people will hate it and tell me so.
Maybe I’ll sound stupid. Maybe my writing sucks. Maybe what I write will be obvious and trite.
Or even worse, maybe what I write won’t be perfect. Maybe it won’t be up to the high standards I set for myself.
The Inner & Outer Truth
If you write about something you are passionate about and if you write about it with truth and honesty, it will feel amazing and it will be ‘good enough’. For all it takes to be a good writer is writing your truth.
Remember, no one else is like you. No one else knows exactly what you know and communicates it in the way you do. You have so much wisdom that only you can share.
Your Thoughts Matter
The web has given you the power to share your unique wisdom with a community of people who want to listen. You now have the chance to make a difference in more people’s lives than you ever have before.
You’ll be scared writing that first article (and maybe even the rest after that – I still get anxious each time I publish) but your thoughts will connect with someone, I guarantee it. All it takes authenticity. Writing honestly about what you care about. There are others out there who care just as much and they will find your thoughts and connect with them.
Finding Inspiration to Speak Up
If you have decided to take the step to begin writing online, don’t force it. The ideas will come to you.
Here are a few ways to find inspiration:
• Jot down your thoughts when you read, hear or see something that excites you.
• Be conscious of the conversations you have with others and how your perspective adds value.
• Start small. You don’t have to jump in with both feet. Start by making a comment on an article that you enjoyed. Or writing a review of something creative you appreciated.
If you pay attention you will notice that great ideas come to you every day. You have so much within you that you could write about. You’ve just got to silence that pesky inner critic, he’s a bossy fool anyway.
Speak up and share your wisdom. See the difference your thoughts make on the world.
If I have inspired you and you wish to publish for the first time on Rise of the Innerpreneur, please email me. My only requirements are that your article be related to the general categories I cover on this blog and that you publish between January 28 and February 17. We can chat about this more in depth over email.
It would be a great honour to feature your wisdom.
This article was originally written for New Zealand’s holistic online community, Holistic Living to help its members to speak up.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 13, 2009 | Cultural Creativity

Creative Commons License photo credit: vagawi
This week’s open tabs:
-’s thoughts on “Why Trust Matters and How to Build It”
This article strictly covers how you can use the web to build trust. In my mind, there is no single factor more important when trying to grow a sustainable business. After all when it comes to working with someone aren’t we simply looking for someone we can trust to be honest and do a great job at a fair price?
-’s help to “…Decide If Social Media is Right For Your Business?”
Social media is every marketer’s new pot of gold. The majority of information written about social media presents it as a must-have for all businesses. Of course, saying anything is absolute is ridiculous. This article will help you to determine if social media is right for your business.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 8, 2009 | My Journey | What's On My Mind

Creative Commons License photo credit: Gavin Anderson
Hear Me on Go Green Sagha Radio
This Sunday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (EST), I will be interviewed on the monthly Internet radio program, Go Green Sagha. The show is hosted by the multi-talented Ananda Leeke and I will be joined by artists Leah Piken Kolidas and Milton Bowens to discuss the topic of Art Every Day, Cultural Creatives and Innerpreneurs.
The show will be broadcast live on Talkshoe. My fellow panelists and I will share our expertise and take questions from the audience. I would love to hear from you.
Listen to the radio show
Go Green Sagha Radio features programs that discuss how people choose and incorporate mindfulness, green living, creativity, diversity, the healing arts, and service in their daily lives, businesses, organizations, and communities. It also supports the Go Green Sangha social networking site.
My Thoughts
On Ananda Leeke:
A cunning social media marketer and not by profession, Ananda truly understands how social media can be leveraged to promote an idea or project. Not only has she founded her own social network for conscious business owners, she has started a monthly radio program to accompany it. To promote her radio programs, she writes and distributes a press release to a free PR distribution service and encourages her panel guests to circulate it as well. On top of this, she employs various social media platforms such as Twitter, FaceBook and MySpace to promote the show. And again, she encourages her panel guests to do the same. Think of the amazing reach her projects get just by taking these simple steps.
On Being Interviewed Live:
I’m a bit scared. But so excited. As we all know, I was a bit upset by my first podcast interview, which was not taped live. I stumbled and bumbled for a couple minutes with my words (that part was cut out) before becoming more centred and focused. Before the interview, I tried to calm myself with some deep breathing. I will employ the same techniques for this show (my first live radio interview) but prelude it with a meditation session, either stationary or walking.
On Growing My Inner-Kudos:
While in the past, I would likely not have told anyone close to me about my interview, yesterday I proudly infomed my closest friends of its airing. A small step in the right direction.
On Too Many Article About Me:
This is the last, as least for a while. I will get back to writing on topics not directly realted to me. Can’t you hear my ego growing?!
by Tara Joyce | Jan 6, 2009 | Cultural Creativity

Weekly I read articles that I absolutely love and connect with. There are so many talented bloggers out there. I think I follow over 100 blogs now. That’s a lot of thoughts! If I didn’t have an RSS news reader, I would be lost.
For a while, I have been saving articles I like. And by saving I mean keeping the article open in a browser tab for weeks until I invariably close the tab and lose the article. I kept meaning to share them with you. But I never was. No more. From now on I will do a weekly Tuesday post on great articles I read the previous week.
Here are this week’s open tabs:
-’s thoughts on “The Global Microbrand”
Cartoonist and blogger Hugh MacLeod argues that every creative person who leverages the internet to promote themselves is trying to create a small, tiny brand, that “sells” all over the world. He shares his thoughts on how he grew his successful microbrand, gapingvoid, cartoons drawn on the back of business cards.
I’m a big fan of his work. My business cards are illustrated by Hugh. You can purchase his cards here.
I encourage you to check out the original article written by That Canadian Girl. I am going to use her tips to faciliate two of my goals for 2009, meditating and developing more daily structure.