by Tara Joyce | Jan 29, 2009 | My Journey | What's On My Mind

This article was suppose to publish this past Thursday but apparently I don’t know how to use WordPress properly. I’m working on it.
I’ll be in Nicaragua
Very early this morning, I left for my vacation to Nicaragua, Central America. I will be traveling throughout the country for a little under three weeks.
I am so excited to:
But back on the innerpreneur ranch
Articles are going to published twice weekly as normal. The only changes are:
- I will not be writing. Instead, guest innerpreneurs will be sharing their wisdom with you. Look forward to wisdom from:
- Kim Candilsh (Artist and Blogger)
- Benjamin Seaman (Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach)
- Jay Cowan (Blogger and Man of Mystery ~ I’m not sure exactly what he does…yet)
- Bill Boulton (eBusiness Owner and soon-to-be Blogger)
- Deep Thoughts (That Are Not My Own) will be on hiatus but Innerpreneur Spotlight will not.
- The posting schedule may be irregular as I can’t guarantee when I will be able to access internet. I am aiming to publish a guest post every Tuesday and Thursday but don’t be upset if I’m a bit tardy.
A message for you
Have a wonderful first half of February. Thank you for reading.
“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” – Baha’u’llah
I like the quote but I don’t know know the quoter. Can someone enlighten me?
Have fun.
Oh and P.S. Your subscription to this blog is probably wonky right now. It’s Google’s Fault.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 27, 2009 | Self/Business Growth

This week’s open tabs:
- The Kingdom of Loathing video game
Maybe it is just me but I love adventure computer games. I love figuring out what to do next. Here’s a link to a new free online game that reminds me of the good ‘ol days of King’s Quest. It’ll help you to think like MacGyver.
-’s astute observation that “Creativity” has become the new business “magic bullet”
As I have been writing about, is also observing the overemphasis and oversimplification of creativity in business. Unfortunately, the word seems to be the new buzz word. Like web 2.0 and social media before it, creativity is this year’s magic bullet for success.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 27, 2009 | Innerpreneurship

…so your innerpreneurial dreams can be born.
- Recognize that you have ideas.
Pay attention to the thoughts that enter your mind and be conscious of the ideas that can be found within them.
I finally noticed that a lot of my thoughts were about words and writing, the web and culture. About working on projects and being in solitude. About having a balanced, nomadic career and life.
- Notice when you use the words, “I wish” or “There should be”.
Take notice of the changes you would like to see around you. Be a part of that change.
I noticed that I had always thought, “I wish I was a writer”, but had never admitted it out loud. So I did.
Later I read about innerpreneurship and thought, I should blog about my innerpreneurial experiences. So I did.
- Understand that you, not the idea, will make the difference.
Your idea doesn’t have to be ground-breaking. In fact, it doesn’t have to be new at all. All you need is a secret ingredient (i.e., unique value proposition) that differentiates you from your competitors. Passion is the best secret ingredient in the world.
I realize there are a lot of web consultants out there and better writers.
But I have a passion for conscious business and holistic marketing. And not just working in it and with it but understanding it too. That makes me unique.
- Let the idea brew for a while.
Don’t get carried away in the idea before you take time to mull it over. Note all the concerns you have about your idea. Let your idea germinate as it will likely grow from its original form.
When I first decided to start my business, I wasn’t even focusing on the web. I was focusing more on writing. Writing anything. I took time to think over my business ideas and direction and realized that web marketing was a passion and talent too. My innerpreneurial idea evolved over time.
- Stay positive.
Your inner critic may have some important points to make about your idea but don’t let him take over. Hear what he has to say but do so with a healthy level of skepticism. Your idea will be great, it is just up to you to make it that way.
Ramona, my inner critic, made me realize that focusing on general marketing communications was not right for me. And that my words and ideas, not designs were my stronger talents.
- Flesh out your idea.
Think about how your idea can be shaped to best fit with your personality or the nature of your fantasies.
I developed a business idea that allowed me to be nomadic as my passion for travel equals that of anything else. I knew it was a necessary part of my life.
by Tara Joyce | Jan 22, 2009 | Cultural Creativity

Creative Commons License photo credit: nosha
Sometime I feel like it is impossible for us to find words that we all connect with. Yet, I think that nothing is impossible.
I’ve got a dream to get to space and if you tell me that isn’t possible, I’d ignore you. I’ll get there, just wait and see. I’ll be like Lance Bass, hurtling through space.
But I digress. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.
Finding the Right Words
I am constantly perplexed by how to succinctly describe Cultural Creativity and Innerpreneurship. Which leads me to be constantly perplexed by how to describe myself and what I do.
I know I’m not the only one. In fact just yesterday I read this helpful article from Freelance Switch on How to Describe What You Do. But I feel almost embarrassed to say that I have trouble describing what I do, especially since my “expertise” is suppose to be with words.
But perhaps that is where the problem lies, I over think it too much. I don’t just want words to use, I want the right words to use. I want to use words that make the Cultural Creatives of the world perk up and take notice.
But What Are Those Words?
The Cultural Creative business world needs a unifying language. We need to find the words that excite and energize us. The words make us sit up and say, “yes, that is the type of person and business I want to work with.”
Paul and Sherry stated it clearly in The Cultural Creatives, we need to unify. We need to find each other and work together so that our voice is heard just as loudly as those of the Moderns or Traditionals. But what does our voice sound like?
My Words to Describe Our Voice
When I speak with many of you, one on one, the word creative often comes up.
While we are all creative in the way we think, I don’t think the word universally unites us. Cultural Creatives are not simply the creative people of the world. After all, every human is creative. We can not claim that word as our own.
Our creativity is a major aspect of us but it is not our distinguishing feature. Creativity alone does not explain why we care so deeply about making a difference through our actions, both in business and in life.
What I do think sets us apart is that we are more authentically in tune with our creative selves. We are conscious that our creativity can be used not just to make money but to better ourselves and the planet.
And thus the two words I return to, time and time again, to describe us, our business and our minds is holistic and conscious. For I can not think of any other words that so completely describe what we are.
My Argument for ‘Holistic’ and ‘Conscious’
We have each started businesses because we believe in cultivating both sides of our minds – both the logical and the creative. Both the left and the right – the whole mind – the holistic mind – the elastic mind.
We believe that a human life can be balanced. And we know it is possible. We live it. We exist outside the stormy chaos of the larger world. We strive daily to live a balanced, compassionate life. We see things as part of a bigger picture and we act in ways that harmonize with the greater good. In every action we consider our self, our community and our planet. This way of thinking is know scientifically as Systems Thinking. But I don’t find that term accessible. Holistic thinking, however, works for me.
What Words Work For You?
What words do you use to describe your business and your self? What words could Cultural Creative businesses use to attract you?
What words make you stop and take notice? What words do you connect with?
And finally, am I way off base? Do we even need to have a common language? Does it even matter? Am I nuts? I was talking to myself a lot yesterday…
by Tara Joyce | Jan 20, 2009 | My Journey | What's On My Mind

This blog was created to help the innerpreneurial community grow and prosper. And to truly grow and prosper one must be constantly evolving.
Since starting Rise of the Innerpreneur I’ve had a few ideas of how it could be improved to better serve us all. But before I go an implement them, I wanted to make sure that you think they are a good idea too.
Take the Survey and Tell Me How
I’ve created a very short survey (5 mandatory questions and 2 optional) asking how this blog can better serve you.
Take the Survey
For all those who take the time to fill it out, thank you. I truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. My only wish is for this blog to be as helpful and useful as it can be.