Business from the inside out

Practicing With Pain

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Cultural Creativity


If the pain is going to be there either way, why would I choose to feel it?

If I feel it, I can actually heal it. If I don’t feel it, I can not know its true state, and I can not start to heal it.

Whether I like it or not, feeling my pain fully is necessary for my healing, for my whole-ing.

I can not reduce my pain when I don’t acknowledge it. I can not feel more whole and healed when I deny parts of my experience.

When I want to hide from my pain, I remember that in facing it, I start to heal it. Stuffing it down only guarantees I will hold onto these feelings longer.

My pain is inevitable but my suffering is optional.

So I practice feeling it and not fearing it. I practice believing I can face and handle my pain. And ever single time I do, I find I’m right.

photo credit: Lein C. Lau

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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Practicing With Pain

By Tara Joyce Time to Read: 1 min