Business from the inside out

One More Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

by | Dec 4, 2015 | Personal Branding


It’s About Sharing.

While the web is a powerful tool for developing our personal brand, it’s important to remember that the web isn’t primarily a medium for information, marketing, or sales. It’s a place for people to meet, talk, create, disagree, rant, and love.

In a similar vein, authentic marketing is about creating conversation and connection. You cultivate this by sharing what you care about, and what you know.

Putting this understanding together, that the web is a medium to connect with people, and marketing is a means for creating connection, we can conclude personal branding is about using the resources you have available to share your authentic signal, your perspective of the world, and trusting your right people will connect with the unique value your expression creates.

Four other things I think I know about personal branding are:
1. It’s a table for two.
2. The more value in your signal, the stronger it will be.
3. Your point of view matters.
4. There is no demand for your message.

photo credit : Lena

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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One More Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

By Tara Joyce Time to Read: 1 min